Thursday 1 September 2016

Team Adobe Wins The 2016 Unilever Nigeria’s Idea Trophy Competition

                                  Winners of the Competition -Team Adobe

Unilever Africa Idea Trophy is a student business competition for all university students across Africa. A Development initiative designed to create an ''out-of-the-classroom'' learning experience
that focuses on the development of personal and entrepreneurial competencies among students.

It is a challenging and creative experience, where you need to figure out how business works in real life while developing your own skills and competencies.

This is actually a business challenge and not a game! It’s just too real to be a game!

Friday 26th August witnessed the 2016 edition of this competition with Team Adobe from University of Ibadan emerging winners of the keenly contested competition.

Team Adobe would now represent Nigeria at the Continental level of the Competition in South Africa and by 2017 they would go for the Unilever Global Future Leader’s League competition in the United Kingdom.

              Competitors - Each team comprises a maximum of three persons


Robbert Vreede, V.P Brand Building and of the Judges

       Dr. Christopher Kolade - A Guest Speaker at the event

Eniola Onimole Human Resource Director Unilever and one of the Judges

                     Brand Manager Close-Up Sarah Adoki


                                                    Team Adobe with a Guest


                                                  Cross section of the audience

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