Thursday 8 September 2016

How to survive these hard times: It Just might help you or a friend!

By Oluwatobi Lamidi

Indeed, times are really tough! While some are losing their underpaying jobs and others are getting pay-cuts, some others are working without pay for the fear of eventually getting to lose their jobs. The unemployment rate is soaring daily and the prices of goods are soaring day by day. Not to remind you more of the already prevailing problems in our society, I will like to let you know that you are one of the luckiest people in the world today considering the rare fact that you can read and write. What do I mean? Yeah, I figured you will ask that. Well, there are so many others that can’t and I assume that you can because you are currently reading this short piece. First of all, I am going to tell you of some pointers you have probably heard of before now but, maybe under much cooler circumstances:

Firstly, working for others is not usually the best except they really pay you for your worth – which is really rare. I say this because no employer will actually pay you enough for you to get enough experience and leave; they will only pay you just enough for you to get broke at the end of the month while they flaunt their millions in front of you and give you hope of getting to their levels in years. By the time you will realize their plan, you might just be too old to do anything about it. The truth is, if you have acquired a certain level of knowledge, you are expected to have enough energy and ideas on how to generate wealth for yourself and your country. 

Choose to be an asset not a liability. Even if eventually you get a good job, be brave and put that idea to work and give it your best, you never know what will come out of it… truth is, those that have made it so far in business never really knew they would! they just had an idea not bigger or smaller than yours and put it to work! Think of that for a minute.

Secondly, you should know it is all a lie! It is not really that hard. Actually, it is easier than you think. Why? Because contrary to the lies they tell you about how hard the economy is and how difficult it is to do business in such conditions; light only shines in darkness!

There has to be a big gap for solutions to be provided. That is why we went to school o - to come up with problem solving ideas that will earn us money. When I was younger I always thought to myself that all the possible needs of man has been invented and yet, year after year I have been corrected by the various inventions of our generation; especially through the internet. Truth is, it might seem a little harder alone but my advice is to look for like-minded friends and share ideas and effort to make things work. You cannot keep waiting on the government while they are waiting for you. The government cannot boost the economy without you!

Lastly, correct the impression you might have had that you spent all those years in school only to graduate and start sharing your certificates to people that will treat you like slaves. You went to school to develop a mental capacity to solve problems and generate ideas that will help to solve further problems that might arise or that exists! So be motivated when your small startup business is facing a bump…change the gear and move past it with new ideas. If you have any friend with such an impression that all he went to school for is to look for jobs until they cannot recognize their shoes anymore, please help them out by sharing this link to them!

Also, this applies more to those that have been lucky enough to get jobs - getting a job does not stop you from thinking. What you do not know is they did not employ you to fill the spaces but to make meaningful contributions with your ideas. You have to keep reading and finding solutions to problems! That is the only way to grow even in another man’s business.

I hope you get the idea now on how to survive in these tough times? Stop blaming the government that is secretly blaming you and cannot tell you because you won’t vote for them, embrace the truth that times are hard, pick yourself up and get something done!

Like someone once told me, whatever you sell in this world, people will buy! I have seen in a documentary where a bag of air (like air that we breathe o) is being sold and people are buying. Your ability to market whatever you are selling and give it such grace that people just want a piece of it will take you places.

Look for investors! Package your idea (usually something you enjoy doing), develop a business direction and proposal, take it round looking for investors and have it in mind that the first 100 people might say ‘no’ but you have a bigger goal and they will regret not saying ‘yes’ when you 'blow'!

Be wise!

Oluwatobi Lamidi is a blogger and blogs at

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